Criminology Student Association

Criminology Student Association

Description: The CSA represents and promotes the academic and welfare interests of its members to the Department of Criminology and the University

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Common Room: N/A

Union Mandate:
Objectives of the Union shall be:
1. To represent and promote the academic and welfare interests of the CSA’s members to the Department of Criminology and the University.
2. To stimulate and promote criminological and legal inquiry.
3. To provide an organized body through which criminology students may actively participate in university affairs.
4. The CSA is constituted as a Departmental Student Union as defined in the Administrative Policies of the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS).

Automatic membership shall be extended to:
1. All declared majors, honours, and minors in the Department of Criminology.
2. All students currently enrolled in one or more courses offered by the Department of Criminology.
3. All students enrolled in a certificate offered by the School of Criminology.