Operations Research Student Union

Operations Research Student Union

Description: Operations Research Student Union represents the interest and welfare of its members to the Operations Research Program and to the University.

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Email: oper-pres@sfu.ca
Website: https://discord.gg/yFXDrAjDR3

Union Mandate:
Objectives of the union shall be:
1. To seek and promote student interest in the field of operations research.
2. To apply operations research methods to problems arising in the local business community.
3. To build a community among student members
4. To provide a connection between faculty and students within the OR program
5. The aims of the ORSU shall be consistent with the SFSS constitution and by-laws.

Automatic membership shall be extended to:
1. All declared majors, minors and honors in the Mathematics department with a concentration of Operations Research; and
2. All students who are currently enrolled in one or more courses offered by the Mathematics department listed as core courses for Operations Research in the current semester.