World Languages and Literatures Student Union

World Languages and Literatures Student Union

Description: World Languages and Literatures Student Union represents the interest and welfare of its members to the School of World Languages and Literatures, and to the University.

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Union Mandate: The purposes of the Union shall be: a. To promote, represent, and advocate for students’ interests within the School of World Languages and Literatures, the University, the Simon Fraser Student Society (hereinafter referred to as the SFSS), and the larger community. b. To support, promote and sustain the community and network of the World Languages and Literatures students, alumni, faculty and external community alliances. c. To facilitate cooperation and communication between students and the University. d. To organize academic, social and recreational activities for members of the Union. e. To undertake projects, activities, and initiatives to benefit the membership. f. To conduct the affairs of the Union with integrity, honesty and responsibility and to model and encourage ethical, honest, and responsible behavior throughout the World Languages and Literatures student community. 2. The aims and objectives of the Union shall be consistent with those of the SFSS Constitution.