Sustainable Energy Engineering Student Society

Sustainable Energy Engineering Student Society

Description: SEESS is here to represent students in the School of Sustainable Energy Engineering, and to undertake projects and activities that benefit its members.

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Union Mandate: The purpose of the SEESS shall be: i) To promote school spirit. ii) To advocate and practice sustainability in all society activities iii) To provide access to volunteering and career opportunities to increase the experience of SEE students. iv) To improve the quality of education in conjunction with the school of Engineering Science and school of Mechatronics Systems Engineering at Simon Fraser University. v) To develop SEESS members’ interests in extra-curricular activities. vi) To take an active role in promoting Engineering as a profession. vii) To maintain communications with other Engineering groups and professional Engineering associations. viii) To give SEESS members a vehicle to develop organizational and leadership skills. ix) To represent the interests, and to resolve the issues of the members of the SEESS as relating to Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University’s Surrey Campus, to all groups outside of the SEESS including the ESSS, MSESS, SFSS, Engineering Science Administration, and University Administration as required. x) To promote communication between graduate and undergraduate students. xi) To engage students in local and global issues and opportunities.