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Below is a list of all currently registered clubs, listed in alphabetical order. Click on the club's name to view additional information or to join the club.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Student Association (AMSA)
With the mission of promoting peace and inviting the world towards the true message of Islam, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association (AMSA) is a group designed to discover and celebrate the beautiful teachings of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
Campus Association of Baha'i Studies
A space created to discuss and share thoughts about various spiritual teachings and learn about engaging in the prevalent discourses of society. CABS seeks to provide a forum for students of all races, colours, classes, nationalities and religions to discuss the urgent issues facing society today.
Campus Vibe Movement
We are the light of the world and carriers of God’s presence, with a mandate. Awaken our campus to the love and purpose of Christ. Equip one another for a life of kingdom impact and deploy for multiplication as each one builds into another.
Catholic Christian Outreach Club
Focused on evangelization, we challenge young people to live in the fullness of the Catholic faith placing a strong emphasis on building leaders for the renewal of the world.
Evangelical Chinese Bible Fellowship (ECBF)
Our Fellowship is composed of Chinese friends who graduate or study at SFU, who love and follow Jesus with 10 years’ history. We study bible together and share gospel to people who interested in Christianity with special focus on SFU international students, scholars and families from China through various events on and off campus.
InterVarsity Undergraduate at SFU
Through Christ's love, we are ordinary peoples doing extraordinary things on the SFU campus. We are making SFU home by reconciling God, peoples and land in relationship with all our heart, mind, soul and strength in Christ.
Ismaili Students Association
A Religious Organization designed to create fun and exciting Internal and External events that engage the Post-Secondary Shia Ismaili Muslim community, and the wider SFU student body.
Jesus Disciples Movement
We follow Christ’s last Great Commission. Being a Christian is about imitating Christ’s life of love, serving, and sacrificing for others. We wish to share these values to the SFU student community and train them to be Christ-like, so that they can teach others to the same and in this way it can positively impact the world. (Korean club)
Muslim Students Association
To provide prayer facilities, religious information and services, and to foster social connections for all Muslim students on campus. Also to provide awareness and education of Islam for the greater community | Facebook: | Twitter: @SFU_MSA | IG: SFU_MSA
Power to Change (P2C)
To help students discover Jesus. We want to add spiritual value to students' lives during their time in university by providing them with opportunities to explore spiritual things through meaningful conversations in the context of discussion groups, meetings and special events.
Redeemed Christian Fellowship (RCF)
A People Who Dare To Be Different...Building Lives For Christ
SFU Coptic Orthodox Student Association (SFU COSA)
Coptic Students and students interested in orthodoxy.
SFU Jain Student Association
A club that brings together self identified Jains, or anybody with interest in Jainism and its principles.
SFU Thaqalyn Muslim Association
As a collective, TMA SFU aims to embody and promote the values of the Quran, the Holy Prophet PBUH and his holy Household within our society and on campus, as we prepare for the reappearance of the Imam of our time. In addition, we hope to provide an inclusive, supportive and accepting environment for Muslim students at Simon Fraser University.
Sikh Students' Association - SFU
Establish a strong network for those who are exploring the Sikh way of life. We hope to achieve this by promoting Sikh values such as equality, peace and truthful living in order to create a strong and united Sikh community at Simon Fraser University.
The Point
A club on campus whose goal is to Love God, Love People, Serve All, by hosting events open to those part of The Point Church and to those who are not. Through worship and service, we aim to foster a positive atmosphere on campus where students can explore what it means to follow Jesus.

University Christian Ministries
UCM SFU is a Christian community of students at Simon Fraser University. We exist to know and love God, love one another, care for all of our campuses, and tell others about Jesus.