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Below is a list of all currently registered clubs, listed in alphabetical order. Click on the club's name to view additional information or to join the club.

Malaysia Singapore Students Club
To provide a social club for Malaysian and Singapore students and those interested in the related cultures of these countries.
Management Information Systems Association
MISA (Management Information Systems Association) promotes the Faculty of Business Administration concentration of Management Information Systems on campus to inform students of career paths in MIS.
Model United Nations - SFU
Model United Nation will explore different forums within the United Nations and will aim to teach members how MUN works while enhancing their understanding of politics and adding new skills such as quick problem solving and public speaking.
Music Discussion Club
We aim to to provide a welcoming space for discussion of music. Discussion will first and foremost be fun & informative. Everyone stands to learn something new from others with different tastes and lived experiences. This is not a club where you have to know the ins and outs of music theory, but you are welcome to share any knowledge you do have!
Muslim Students Association
To provide prayer facilities, religious information and services, and to foster social connections for all Muslim students on campus. Also to provide awareness and education of Islam for the greater community | Facebook: | Twitter: @SFU_MSA | IG: SFU_MSA